LCA - Leibniz’s Correspondents and Acquaintances

Leibniz’s Correspondents and Acquaintances

A site devoted to G.W. Leibniz’s intellectual network

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The website LEIBNITIANA.EU is devoted to the research project:

“LCA—G.W. Leibniz’s Correspondents and Acquaintances. Intellectual networks, themes, individuals”.

The project has been started by the Italian Society of Leibnizian studies (Sodalitas Leibnitiana), in collaboration with other European societies of Leibnizian studies: the Societatea Leibniz din România, the Sociedad Española Leibniz para Estudios del Barroco y la Ilustración, the Société d'études leibniziennes de langue française.

The project is supported by the fMOD Research Group of the University of Turin. The development of the Project is summarized in the Project Log page.

The reconstruction of wide networks of intellectual relations is at present a major research field in the intellectual history in general, and of European culture in particular. An online Biographical Dictionary of LCA, and other suitable electronic representations of the intellectual network that is the object of the research project will be hosted on this site.

Project Coordinator

Enrico Pasini

Scientific Staff

Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero, Nora Gädeke (coordinator), Roberto Palaia (coordinator), Margherita Palumbo, Enrico Pasini, Anne-Lise Rey.

Editorial Staff and Collaborators

Giorgio Bevilacqua, Andrea Costa, Paolo Maffezioli, Federico Silvestri.

Scientific Board

Maria Rosa Antognazza, Michel Fichant, Michael Kempe, Antonio Lamarra, Wenchao Li, Paul Rateau, Concha Roldán.